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Feel Like Everything You Eat Goes Straight To Your Belly?

"You Drink Some and Literally Forget To Eat!" Raves Sandra Wilkens, 62, Who Lost 57 Pounds & 11 Inches Off Her Waistline

In Just 4-Seconds Every Morning You Can:


  • Quickly flatten your stomach without exercise or skipping meals


  • Get an amazing surge of sustainable energy that lasts all day long


  • Thin out your thighs, shrink your waistline and slim your hips


  • Experience improved mental focus & concentration


  • Melt away even the most stubborn hormonal belly fat after 45

“WHOA!! Is that number right??


It says 122 pounds!!


That can’t be right, can it??


Let me step on the scale again.


Yep, 122lbs!


Oh my god!!


Honey, you’re never going to believe this!


Seeing my wife drop over 35 pounds was


an unexpected miracle...


And how she was able to do it so fast still


blows my mind...


Because it doesn’t make any sense.


She didn’t go on a strict diet...


And she was forbidden to exercise from


her doctor...


After all, her body was still recovering after


having twins.


But what’s even more shocking...


Is that just a few weeks earlier...

It was like a horror movie brought to life.


And it didn’t make any sense...


Because she was always active...


Doing high intensity exercise...


Lots of cardio...






Spin classes...


You name it...


She was doing it.


Her diet was perfect...


Egg white omelets for breakfast...


A big salad for lunch...


And chicken with more veggies for dinner.


Like clockwork, she followed this routine day after day for months...


And the harder she tried...


The more frustrated she got...


Because no matter what she did...


The extra belly fat that comes along with getting older and having children...


...would NOT budge.

She started feeling depressed.

She started fasting...


Eating only one meal a




She ran on an empty




Walked 5 miles a day...


Started eating more




Less fat...


Barely any carbs...


It’s like the harder she




The more her body fought




Every morning she’d step


on the scale exhausted and defeated...


Because her weight never


went down.


It always stayed the same or


went up.


And the fact that I couldn’t


help her...


Made me feel like a total




But as crazy as it sounds...


I thank God every single day


for what my wife and I went



A little-known secret buried deep in the desert of Western Africa that’s so powerful and


so unique...


My wife melted away 3 pounds in the first 3 hours...


And another 32 pounds after that.


Her doctor was shocked when she came in for her first checkup...


Looking like a completely different woman.


All of her belly fat was practically gone...


Her thighs were so much thinner...


Her skin looked perfect...


Her face looked 15 years younger like when we first met in high school...


And her waist got so tiny...


She treated herself to an entire day of shopping for new jeans and dresses...


Because even the clothes she saved from her early 20’s...


Were way too big and loose around her hips.


After years of failed diets attempts...


Nearly ruining her body from too much cardio...


She finally broke free...


And all those feelings of hopelessness, struggle and


anger finally faded away...


Right along with her belly fat that she couldn’t get rid of


after having our twins.


And the crazy thing is...

As a new mom with baby twins who kept her up all night




She didn't have time to spend hours making healthy


meals every day...


And there definitely wasn’t any time to go to the gym. 


t was like she was fighting just to make it through the




After months of trying every diet out there...


It was like a blessing from God that this fat-burning


secret literally landed in our laps...


Just as my wife hit her breaking point...


And was on the verge of giving up for good.


Instantly transforming her belly from flabby to bikini-




In just a matter of weeks.


Her energy was off the charts...


Her brain fog was completely gone...


And she was more alert and focused than she’d ever


been before.


While her confidence shot through the roof...


Her nagging aches and pains disappeared...


Her sex drive came back stronger than ever...


And her self-esteem, which can drop dramatically after


having kids...


...was higher than it’d been in years.


Leaving her doctors, her best friends and even her


parents shocked...


Dying to know how she did this all so fast.


It finally eliminates the number one hidden culprit behind your nagging belly fat, slow


metabolism, and accelerated aging...

That most women and men over 45 don’t


know about.


And it has nothing to do with your  genetics...


How much you eat...


Your family history...


Or your hormones.


This super-simple “red juice” ritual...


That takes as little as 4 seconds a day...


Was first discovered as an anti-aging




On the southwest coast of West Africa...


Just a few years ago...


Little did they know at the time...


According to the latest research published in the journal of Lipids in Health and Disease.


So if you’ve tried everything and nothing ever works


​None of those things worked for my wife


Because they really only work for younger


Just know...

Like going hardcore keto...


Cutting out wheat, grains and sugars...

Eating less...

Moving more...

Intermittent Fasting...

Zero carb...

Then please, do NOT lose hope.

 What I’m About To Share With You Over        the Next 2 Minutes is Brand New and                           Extremely Controversial 

And it flies in the face of everything you’ve heard when it comes to rapid and sustainable

weight loss.

It has nothing to do with strict dieting...


Eating more vegetables...


Exercising more...


Skipping meals...


Cutting out carbs...


Or counting points.


Even better...

Look, I know this all sounds way too good


to be true...


And you’re probably extremely skeptical


right now...


You have every right to be.


After being one of the most in-demand


rapid weight loss coaches in Canada for


the past 10 years...


I’m always skeptical when I hear about


something new...


And I wouldn’t have believed it either...


Until I tried this 4-second protocol out for




And I watched in shock as my body started


eating it’s own fat.


My wife couldn’t believe that we both


finally had abs!


And we did it all without making any


drastic changes to our diet...


Or doing a single second of cardio.


And the more we used this 4-second




The more weight came melting off.

Because the science behind why this all-natural solution works so well...


Proves you can strip away belly fat...


Turbocharge your fat-burning metabolism...


And crank up your energy...


No matter how old you are...


Or how much weight you want to lose.


The billion dollar pharmaceutical companies want you


to believe that you’re broken...


And that the only thing that will save you are


expensive drugs...


Prescription medications...


And high-priced surgeries that line their pockets...


Yet none of those things address the root cause of


stubborn belly fat.

All you have to do is this simple trick first thing in the morning...


To “turn on” your fat-burning


And drop up to 3 pounds by dinner time.

That’s it.

You can breathe a sigh of relief and finally

forget about all the low-fat diets...

Tracking calories...

Giving up carbs...

And wasting your nights at the gym.

None of those things matter...

Because they don’t address the root cause

of stubborn belly fat after 45.

’ll explain exactly what that is in a minute,

just know...

redjuice2 b.jpg

After having twins...

And three kids in four years...

With her hormones all out of whack...

Getting older with each day that passes...

She had everything going against her...

So if she can completely flatten her


And weigh less than she did in her early


There’s no reason you can’t too.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a


45 years old or 85...

With horrible genetics...

And a family history of stubborn weight


Life-threatening medical issues...

And an incredibly slow metabolism...

Or maybe you just want to have more


And get your health back on track after

falling off the wagon with all the craziness

that’s been going on in the past year.

I don’t blame you.

It doesn’t matter if your metabolism is

super slow...

Or if nothing ever works for you no matter

how hard you try.

After helping over 2,000 women and

flatten their stomachs and drop over

10,000 pounds 

I can tell you that there’s nothing like this

in the world.

I’ve been helping people get in the best

shape of their lives for over 10 years...

And I’ve never seen anything like this.

As a trainer, I tried covering it up at first...

Because if people can lose all the weight

they want...

And flatten their stomachs...

Right at home in just 4 seconds a

 without any help...

What would they need me for?

I felt threatened...

Because my entire business would come

crashing down if people could get even

better results right at home on their own...

But then when I saw what it did to my wife


And the care-free joy that spread across

her face...

When the weight started coming off

so easily and effortlessly...

I had to swallow my pride and set my ego


Because it wasn’t about me anymore.

I’m not a doctor...

I’m not a dietician...

And I’m not a scientist.

I’m just a fitness trainer from Canada...

Who was lucky enough to meet the

woman of my dreams...

Fall madly in love...

And have three beautiful


But while I feel blessed to wake up every

morning next to my soul mate...

It wasn’t always roses, sunshine and


You see, I’ve owned my own fitness

training studio for the past 10 years.

And for the past 17 years...

I’ve helped over 2,000 women and

transform their bodies...

Lose the extra fat...

And flatten their bellies...

With my unusual yet effective rapid fat loss


But I’m really no different than you.

I’m just a guy who grew up in a small town

in Canada.

Who wanted to help people live healthier



Everything I worked so hard for came

crashing down...

Because no matter what we tried...

No matter how hard we worked...

Or how many calories she cut...

Her belly would NOT budge...


Because there’s no way I’d leave a single

stone unturned... helping my wife get her body back.

After all, it always worked in the past.


I mean, if you need to lose a few pounds


You can always just put the fork down...

And exercise a little more, right?

But the harder she went in the gym...

The more her body started to break


And the more fat she gained.

It’s like her body was fighting against her...

And that’s when I knew she had to ease


Because what we were doing obviously

wasn’t working.

She was exhausted...

She’d come home at night on the verge of


And when she stepped on the scale...

Only to realize that she went through

another day without losing a single


Her heart was shattered...

And her faith was hanging by a thread.

I felt like less of a man...

A husband who couldn’t even help her

wife get comfortable in her own body...

I felt like such a failure...

Because here I was, priding myself on

being one of Canada’s best fat loss


And I couldn’t even help the woman I l

oved the most.


And the second she had kids...

It’s like a switch flipped...

And the fat was permanently stuck to her


Suddenly losing even just a single pound

became a nightmare struggle.

I watched as she laid on the bed, trying to

wiggle into her old jeans from just a year


Sucking in and taking small, tiny breaths...

Just to get her pants buttoned in the


She was convinced her body was ruined...

And that I’d never love her or look at her

the same ever again.

She stopped getting dressed in front of


And she’d lock the door whenever she

took a shower...

Her confidence was gone.

You’re not alone.

I witnessed the love of my life hit rock


And the damaging effect it can have on a

marriage and being there for your kids.

But as crazy as it sounds...

As things kept getting worse and worse...

God’s light shined through...

And this 4-second morning ritual basically

fell right into my lap without any warning.

She just got home from her doctor’s appointment...


And after running her through all the

regular tests...

Like getting her blood

 and cholesterol checked...

Weighing in...

And checking her blood markers...

She was on the verge of tears.

Because her weight kept going up.

For the first time, her doctor was starting

to get worried...

And even though we tried everything over

the past year...

To get the extra weight off...

I was running out of ideas.

Maybe I just didn’t know how to work with

older women...

Who’s bodies betrayed them after having


And all the hormonal side effects that

come with getting older.

Was that her chronic weight gain...

And inability to burn fat...

Was triggered by a tiny chemical

 that she couldn’t see or feel.

The same trigger that’s secretly making

millions of women and men over 45

overweight and obese without warning.

You see, after her doctor visit...

I knew I only had two options...

Let our marriage slowly slip away...

And become a divorced, single dad who

only saw his kids on the weekends...

Or roll up my sleeves and get to work.


Because not only did Nubbia melt away

every last ounce of frustrating belly fat...

She did it in just 4 seconds every


After discovering the most powerful rapid

fat loss secret...

For women and men over 45 struggling

with 10 or more pounds of stuck belly fat.

I’m going to show you exactly how she did

 in just a second...

But first, as I was wallowing in my own self-


Feeling like an absolute fraud...

Something the doctor told Nubbia during

her last checkup surprised me.

Because she was so frustrated...

She just came out and asked her doctor

point blank why she couldn’t lose any


But now, as a mom..

It’s like all her fat was going straight to her


And he said...

“The first thing I always check, especially

with women, is their mitochondria.”

“Mitochondria?” she said, confused....

The doctor went on to explain...

“Mitochondria are the “energy centers”

within your cells that convert food and fat

into energy.”

They're like these tiny little furnaces...

And when you eat...

They take the food...

Break it down...

And burn it up for energy.

They do the same thing with your body fat.

So the more mitochondria you have in

your body...

And the more active they are...

The more fat you burn.

The problem is..


So you start gaining weight.

According to Medical News Today...


The younger you are...

The more mitochondria you have in your


However, from midlife onward...

Your number of mitochondria starts to

rapidly decrease.

Which means you burn less fat (if you burn

any at all)...

Your body breaks down sugar and carbs at


slower rate...

Which leads to even more fat storage...

And you don’t have the same energy you

had when you were younger.

Even worse...

It’s virtually impossible to predict...

So you have no idea it’s happening until i

It’s too late...

And your body starts hoarding fat.

That’s a clear sign that your “energy

centers” are shutting down...

Because if they were working like they’re

supposed to...

They’d be burning calories and fat for

energy like they’re supposed to.

And yet, when you start gaining weight...

Every “expert” out there will tell you

simply eat less...

Move more...

Give up your favorite foods...

And none of that is going to get

you thin... 

Because it doesn’t address the root cause

of the problem
, which is...

Your mitochondria isn’t breaking down fat

like it’s supposed to.

It’s like a professional athlete trying to

hang on in their 50’s...

They just don’t perform like they used to.



Stubborn fat comes off easier...

You’re able to lose weight without gaining

it right back...

Your stomach flattens out...

Cellulite starts to fade away...

You have more energy...

And you feel like a completely different


The other thing most people don’t realize



That means, if you have a slow


Your mitochondria are to blame...

Because they’re the energy factories in

your cells...

When you have unhealthy mitochondria...

The food you eat can’t be converted into


And so it automatically gets stored as fat.

Whether you’re eating a giant salad...

Or a big bowl of ice cream.

Where your cells struggle for energy...

So your brain tells you to eat more...

And everything you eat gets immediately

converted to fat...

Without giving you any energy.

Now you’re dragging throughout the


And yet...

All the “experts” will tell you to j

Just exercise more, but...

How in the world are you supposed to

exercise when you have NO energy?


It’s NOT about cutting calories...

It’s NOT about giving up carbs...

And it’s NOT about doing more cardio and

moving more...

Because none of those things matter...

If your mitochondria can’t burn fat for


You could eat oatmeal, salads, and rice

cakes every day for months...

And you’re still not going to burn fat,


You’re not solving the root cause of the


Which is your unhealthy mitochondria that

can’t break down fat.

And if you don’t figure out how to fix this...

You will continue to struggle with

consistent weight gain.

All you have to do is focus on fixing this ONE thing.


That’s it!

You can stop worrying about all the things

you’ve done in the past when you’ve tried

to lose weight...

The low-fat dieting...



Cutting carbs...

Exercising on an empty stomach...

Lifting weights...

Doing more high intensity exercise...

Counting calories

And everything else you’ve been told is

necessary in order to lose weight.

Forget about all of it...

And feel the weight lifted off your


You can finally stop worrying about all

those things that don't really matter...

Because when you focus on this one little


Which is having as many healthy

mitochondria as possible...

They automatically burn off all the extra fat

for you...

And everything else takes care of itself.

And you’ll have the energy of a kid on


Christmas morning...


Suddenly, you’ll breeze through your to-


do list every day with ease...


Waking up without an alarm clock, excited


to start your day...


You’ll finally have the energy to do all the


things you’ve always wanted to do...


But talked yourself out of...


Like traveling more and seeing the world...


Starting up your own garden...


Being more active in your community...




Being more active with your kids and




Chasing them around and playing tag in


the backyard...


Even just going for more walks when it’s a


warm sunny day...


You can finally do all the things you’ve


always wanted to do...


But haven’t been able to...


Because your body has been holding you




I know that probably sounds far-fetched...

Almost unbelievable...

And I get it...

Because that’s exactly what I thought...

Until I started doing my own research.

You see, one night..

Dr. Carson said that they key to improving how your mitochondria burn fat...


Is a family of nutrients called polyphenols.


Polyphenols are powerhouse plant

compounds that can slow the cellular

aging process...

Keep your blood sugar in check...

And make it easier to lose weight.

They’re one of the few nutrients that keep

your mitochondria young, healthy and


In the prestigious journal Chemico-

Biological Interactions...

They found that polyphenols can

significantly reduce body weight in obese


That’s because they’re incredibly powerful

energy boosters, and more importantly...

And when your metabolism goes up by

even just a little bit..

You start burning a bit more fat every


And the jiggly fat starts firming up in all

the right places.

This is embarrassing to admit...

But after helping thousands of people lose

weight, burn fat and get in the best shape

of their lives...

I had never heard of polyphenols.


It wasn’t taught in any of the courses I took


to get my bachelors degree...


And no one in the health and weight loss


industry was talking about them.


But as I kept reading Dr. Carson’s work...


It started making more sense.


Because if polyphenols improve the way


your mitochondria function...


So they go back to burning fat and


calories at a faster rate...


Which then increases your fat-burning




Then it would only make sense that you’d


lose more weight.


This is really important...

Because most people just think fat just

starts to pile up in all the wrong places...

Like your stomach...



And the back of your arms.

However, what you may not have known is

that fat buildup starts with your

 and how they process and

handle food.

So when you get the right type of


That blocks the production of new fat...

Then not only will you burn more of your

stored fat and get thinner...

But you also won’t put the weight right

back on...

Which means no more rebound weight


No more putting on 10 pounds the second

you start eating carbs again...

And you can finally get off the weight loss


Now you’ll finally get rid of the extra fat...

And keep it off for good.

In other words, these special types of

polyphenols jumpstart your dying


Like a lifeguard giving someone CPR...

And when your mitochondria are restored

and healthy again...

They go back to doing what they were

designed to do...

Burn fat and calories for energy.

Giving you clean, sustained energy all day


Helping anyone in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and


Quickly burn off belly fat...

Flatten their stomach...

And shrink their waistline...

Without having to exercise like crazy...

Or give up their favorite foods.

And it was mostly what you’d expect from someone trying to lose weight.


She was having either egg whites or


oatmeal for breakfast...


A big salad or a veggie-packed wrap for




With some low-fat cottage cheese or


carrot sticks...


And usually chicken or fish for dinner...


With some brown rice and more veggies.


That’s when the alarm started going off

inside my head.

While her “diet” seemed healthy on the


It barely had ANY polyphenols in it.

Because guess what?






None of them contain ANY of these

“thinning polyphenols”.

No wonder she didn’t have any energy

and couldn’t burn fat...

It’s like trying to call someone when your

phone is dead...

No matter how hard you try it just won’t


broccoli (1).jpg

Getting the right type of fat-burning

in her diet as much as


That’s it.

No more strict diet rules...

No more confusing information about

high-fat vs. low-fat...

Or high-carb vs. low-carb...

We just focused on getting as many

polyphenols in her body...

As quickly as possible, and...

I was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready

for the kids...

...when I heard this loud scream from the

bathroom upstairs.

It was Nubbia...

“WHOA!! Is that number right??

It says 122 pounds!!

That can’t be right, can it??!!

Let me step on the scale again. 

Yep, 122lbs!

Oh my god!!

Honey, you’re never going to believe


I ran upstairs and looked at the scale...

I couldn’t believe it...

She was already down 24 pounds...

The tears started rolling down her


“I can’t believe it actually happened this f


I’m in total shock...

For the first time in years, I finally feel like I

have my body back.”


Even better, her energy was off the


She was waking up before me and the


Whipping up breakfast before we even

got out of bed.

And she lost over 32 pounds of nagging

belly fat...

Weighing less than she did in her early


Her confidence shot through the roof...

All the self-doubt...


And anxiety was wiped away.

She felt like a whole new person.


Instead of wanting to hide from the


Wearing baggy clothes that covered up

her belly...

She was full of excitement...

Grinning from ear to ear...

Taking our kids to the beach wearing a

bikini for the first time in years...

This is the Nubbia I knew when we first

met over a decade ago...

And I was so happy to have her back.

We started going on dates again every


Watching movies together...

Just snuggling up on the couch in each

other's arms...

The spice in our marriage was finally


And trust me...

That flame is still burning strong to this


Her achy knees and hips felt brand new...

Her skin was more clear and elastic...

The early morning brain fog that made it

so hard for her to get her day started...

Was wiped away just like that...

Now, she was thinking more clearly than


Her focus was off the charts...

And all the nagging aches and pains faded


Thanks why I thank my lucky stars that I

came across Dr. Carson’s research...

It was like an angel showing up on our

doorstep when our backs were against the

wall with nowhere else to turn...

The turning point was all the science-led

research that convinced me this could

actually work.

Because the truth is, I’m one of the

biggest skeptics there is.

After graduating at the top of my class in


And working with thousands of women

and men over the past 10 years...

Who combined to lose thousands of

pounds of fat...

Let’s just say that I was pretty set in my


And whenever anything new comes along,

I usually dismiss it.


According to the latest research, medically reviewed by Dr. Richard Fogoros, MD [3]...


Researchers found that participants who took green mango every day for 10 weeks


experienced SIGNIFICANT improvements in:

  • Body weight

  • Body fat

  • Waist size

  • Cholesterol levels

  • And blood sugar levels

By the end of the study...

Those using green mango showed the

greatest reductions in body fat, body

weight and waist size.

That’s because when you give your

mitochondria the nutrients it needs...

They can’t help but start burning fat again.


Aronia berries have been under the radar

for years...

But nutritionists and other medical

professionals have finally started to realize

their weight loss effects.

They’ve been shown to lower epididymal


Blood glucose...



And they help decrease fat storage.

Plus, they’re low in calories and fat...

And they appear to have the ability to

prevent the body from storing new fat.

Best of all...


According to one of the world’s best military physicians...


“The reduction in the fat deposition was the strongest in the region around the abdomen.”


Which means participants lost the most amount of fat around their belly.


New research from China shows that rutin, a compound naturally present in mulberry

fruit - might also help treat obesity[1].

According to Medical Health News...

“Rutin helps activate brown adipose tissue

(BAT) which regulates energy


That means it helps speed up your


And in turn, helps you lose more weight...

Because you’re burning more fat and

calories than normal.

Think about it...

If you just boosted your metabolism a little


So you burn an extra 100-200 calories a


That may not seem like much...

However, that would be an extra 10-20

of fat loss...

Without you having to do any cardio or

exercise at all.

According to the Chinese research...

The addition of rutin also significantly

reduced body weight and increased

energy expenditure[2].

And it reduced the final body weight

by 7.9%.

For a 200 pound person...

That’s 15.8 pounds of weight loss in a

matter of weeks...

Without drastically changing your diet or



Not all cinnamon is created equal.

Early in my research, I figured this was just

regular cinnamon, but...

It’s not even close.

Cinnamon bark is actually known as “true


Because it’s less common...

And it’s considered to be higher quality

than regular cinnamon.

According to a study published in

the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry...


“Cinnamon bark regulates the enzyme AMPk...


Which prevents cells from being filled with fat.”


The result was a decrease in weight gain to those who used cinnamon bark daily...


Unfortunately, most cinnamon found at the grocery stores is not “true cinnamon”, and...


It contains a compound called coumarin, which can be harmful in large doses.

These aren’t something you’re going to find in most grocery stores or restaurants.


And the ones you can find are extremely expensive.


You’d have to eat over 20 pounds of these specific fruits and vegetables daily...


To get the fat-burning benefits you’d need to revitalize your mitochondria and start


losing weight.


It’s just not practical or cost-effective to eat such large amounts of these foods...

We spent thousands of dollars...


Week after week...


Because we were so desperate...


And it took even more time to combine and prepare these


foods in a way that tasted good to her...


Blending them up...


Extracting the juices...


Because most of them were extremely bitter and sour if you


simply ate them whole.


She was so desperate, we were willing to try anything.


But I kept thinking there had to be a better way.


Because we couldn’t afford to keep doing this for more than


just a few weeks...


It just wasn’t realistic to maintain long term.


I spent the next 6 months talking with suppliers and manufacturers from around the




I figured if we could extract only the best parts of these high-polyphenol fat burning




And combine them all together...


We could basically wipe out the obesity epidemic that’s been plaguing the world for


over 40 years.


But it had to be done the right way...


With only Non-GMO, plant based ingredients...


Without any fillers, artificial sweeteners or other harmful chemicals.


It took over 4 months to get the formula just right...


The manufacturers kept coming back to me...


Shocked that I was trying to combine all these different types of polyphenols




Because it had never been done before


And it wasn’t easy to do.


That’s why, when the first three manufacturers tried cutting corners and using inferior


types of polyphenol extracts...


You know, the junk you can find online for just a few bucks...


I immediately fired them on the spot.

And I made it 100% clear...


We were ONLY usings the highest quality ingredients possible...

Because I was not going to put my name behind


something that wasn’t the absolute best in the world.


Most polyphenol blends do NOT contain green




Aronia berries...


Cinnamon bark...


Or Mulberries...


Because they’re expensive to extract and even harder


to source.


These are the four main “thinning polyphenols” that


restore your mitochondria...


So your cells can burn more calories and fat every


single day.


Most companies just throw a bunch of blueberry powder into a capsule and call it a




Or acai berry because it sounds fancy...


But there was no way I was going to let that happen.


That’s just a waste of your time and money.


I got our first test batch delivered to my house.


I ripped open the box and mixed a spoonful with a big glass of




And then went on with my day.


I didn’t really feel anything at first...


And I actually got a little worried that I just wasted my entire life


savings, but then...

I still didn’t think much of it...


It could have just been water weight.


But I did feel lighter...


And more focused...


With an extra burst of energy that usually doesn’t come until my second


cup of coffee.


Day after day the pounds kept dropping off...


1 pound...


2 pounds...


1.5 pounds...


3 pounds...


It’s like my body was flushing out all the fat that was resistant to the


strict dieting I had done for years.


Even better...

That were still hanging around her lower belly after having kids.


Those last 10 pounds are always the hardest...


Because your body wants to hold on to a little bit of fat just in case of




After just 24 hours...


Her waist was down an inch...


And she lost 2 pounds.


Over the next 10 days she dropped 10 pounds...


Her bodyfat was lower than it had ever been...


And we both weighed less than we did in our early 20’s.


The results were so unbelievable...


Our own family and friends started asking what in the world we were doing...


After all, we looked like two completely different people.


No more nagging belly fat...


No more aches and pains...


And no more exhaustion and fatigue...


Even though we were usually up all night with our baby twins.


It turns out...


Remember, your mitochondria are the little energy centers in each of your cells...


And they determine how much fat and


energy you burn.


The healthier your mitochondria...


The more fat you burn.


They also control how fast your


metabolism is...


And the secret to improving mitochondrial




So your body burns fat every single day for




While you lose 10, 20, even 30 or more


pounds just like that...


Is flooding your body with the right type of



Since all our friends and family were asking us what we were doing...


And since it gave Nubbia her body back after having twins...


While my stomach was flatter than ever as an aging dad...


We knew we had to share this 4-second breakthrough with as many


people as possible.


After all, Nubbia struggled for so long trying to get her body back...


The nights she sobbed herself to sleep...


Refusing to look in the mirror...


Or even leave the house.


As silly as it may sound...


She thought her life was over...


And I can’t blame her...


Because when you look in the mirror...


And don’t like what’s looking back at you...


It’s hard to keep going.


It’s always in the back of your mind...


And after trying every diet out there...


Exercising for 1, 2 sometimes even 3 hours a day...


And none of it EVER worked...


This was our sign from above that we had to share this secret with the




We couldn’t be selfish and just keep it to ourselves.

The world’s only rapid metabolism-boosting formula that contains 26 unique polyphenol




9 metabolic fat-burners...


And 3 BILLION of the world’s most powerful digestive enzymes...


To revive your slow and dead mitochondria...


Turning them into fat-burning powerhouses...


So you can get thinner...




With way more energy...


In just 4 seconds a day.


And to be 100% honest and transparent...


Here’s the exact label on every jar of MetaboFix...


So you can see that there are no fillers...


No hidden sugars or chemicals...


Only pure metabolism-boosting polyphenols...


Metabolic fat-burners...


And powerful digestive enzymes...


To make sure your body absorbs every last nutrient...


So you can start burning fat again.

Because of slow and dying mitochondria in each one of your cells...


You’ll be able to revive and rejuvenate each one of your cells...


In just 4 seconds a day...


By getting the world's most unique and effective polyphenol blend...


That turns ON your fat-burning mitochondria...


Decreases fat storage at the source...


Freeing up your metabolism to start rapidly burning off the fat around your belly,


hips, thighs, waist and arms...


Even if you don’t drastically change your diet or exercise.


It’s made with 100% natural ingredients...


There are no artificial sweeteners, hidden sugars, or preservatives...


Just pure polyphenol plant extracts...

Which, according to brand new research from the Journal of Agricultural and Food




...blocks the formation of new fat cells known as adipocytes.


You see...

Most people gain weight because their body is creating hundreds of new fat cells a




That quickly fill up with extra fat in the body...


Making your belly bigger.

That isn’t available anywhere else in the world...


It can block the formation of new fat cells...


Which frees up your metabolism to quickly burn off the extra fat covering up your




So you can finally get the flat and firm belly you desire...


Without stricting dieting...


Without hours of exhaustive cardio...


And without skipping a single meal.

blackpepper (1).jpg

So please, don’t waste your money on cheap knock-offs that are just trying to make a


quick buck.


Each batch of MetaboFix is put through rigorous and extensive third-party testing...


Along with GMP best practices...


So you know what’s listed on the label is actually inside each jar of MetaboFix...


Guaranteeing you the highest quality, most pure ingredients...


So you can burn more fat...


And store less “new fat”.


Which is the ONLY thing that’s been missing from you dropping the extra weight...

And getting the flat belly you desire after 45.


Just like 102,455 women and men all over the


world have done in the last year alone.


If you’ve done everything and nothing ever




Then it’s time to try something new...


And give your body something it’s never had




Because I guarantee you that every keto, paleo


or vegetarian plan you’ve tried...


Does NOT contain these new “thinning


polyphenols” like green mango, aronia berries


and cinnamon bark...


And I know they don’t contain black pepper fruit extract...

That’s been the missing piece for you all these years...


I know it was for Nubbia.


After dieting so hard and so long...


It was like her body became resistant to it.


Same with exercise.


It just wasn’t enough anymore.


But when we started adding in these new ingredients and




The fat started coming off in a matter of hours.


Not days...


Not weeks...


Not months...


And not years.


That’s because when the mitochondria rev up inside


your cells...


And when your body STOPS creating new fat cells...


It’s a powerful combination that virtually guarantees you’ll


be burning fat around the clock...


Until every last bit of fat comes off your body.

Which is why so many people struggle for so long.


Heck, the only reason I figured this out...


...was because it broke my heart to see my


wife struggling so hard.


And I luckily came across new research


from Dr. Carson that changed my


worldview on weight loss and nutrition.


That’s why no other “experts” are talking


about this...


They never bothered to do the research...


Because it takes a lot of work...

Instead, they’d rather argue about what diet fad is best...


When none of them really matter if you aren’t getting the right nutrients your body


needs in the exact right doses.

If you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to get the same results...


That’s why so many people stay stuck and stalled...


Every day that passes is another day lost that you’ll never get back...


And I can’t tell you how many people I’ve coached...


Who kick themselves for not getting started sooner...


Wasting years of their lives...


Instead of thriving in a body they love.


Luckily, that all ends today...


Because I want to do everything I can to personally help you, which is



After our initial 1,000 jar test batch...


Word started spreading like crazy.


Suddenly, I had complete strangers calling


me, texting me, sending me messages...


And our website nearly crashed.


I honestly couldn’t believe it...


People were ordering up to 6 jars at a




       That Way They Could Start Boosting
           Their Metabolism Right Away...

And Keep It Boosted For the Next 6 Months In a Row

Which is actually really smart.


Think about how much weight you could




...if your fat-burning metabolism was


simply working like it’s supposed to for six


straight months...


Never taking a day off, no matter what...


It’s all you really need.


Because when those first 5 pounds come off,


you’ll start to get excited...


When the next 10 pounds come off, you’ll


really start to believe...


And when you’re down 20, 30, even 40 or


more pounds...

You’ll look and feel like someone half your age.


That’s what can happen when your fat-burning metabolism is running at an all time




For 6 months in a row.


Like a snowball rolling down the hill, picking up momentum...


You’ll feel the relief of never having to desperately struggle on a diet ever again...


You can cancel your gym membership...


Throw all the low-fat foods in the trash...


Stop obsessing over calories...


Because now you know that none of those things impact the mitochondria in your




That control fat-burning at the source.



We’re always on the verge of running out of stock.


As a small business, I just don’t have the deep


pockets to have an unlimited number of jars


available at any given time.


It’s just too expensive...


Because I don’t have billionaire investors fronting


me money at a moment's notice.


And when we run out...


It can take up to 3 months to get another shipment in




Especially since I refuse to cut corners and send


out an inferior product...


Plus, with all the changes in our economy over the


past year...


With tighter rules and regulations...


That’s my promise to you.


Now, when your first shipment of MetaboFix shows up at your door...


Set aside one jar to use now...


And spread the others around your house...


In places that you’ll easily see them.


That way if you forget to have a glass in the morning...


Or maybe your day gets super busy and you have to rush out the door...


You’ll have constant reminders around your house...


To keep your metabolism boosted...


No matter how busy you get.


I always recommend having a glass first thing in the morning...

Have another glass right after lunch...


Or in the afternoon if you’re feeling sluggish and




And I like having a tall glass after dinner...


Kinda like a fruity dessert...


To keep my metabolism humming while I sleep.


There’s nothing better than waking up in the




Feeling lighter and leaner than you’ve ever




While looking in the mirror and visibly seeing


your flatter stomach.


The more often you use it...


The more your body is flooded with the


metabolism-boosting polyphenols...

And black pepper fruit extract...


That’ll help you burn more fat...


And store less “new fat”...

Because while it does start working right away...


You want that consistency and momentum to start


burning off the extra layers of fat...


It’s not all going to happen overnight.


Nubbia started to notice a difference within the first


24 hours...


Her face started to thin out and look younger...


Her jeans started to feel a little loose around her




Her belly felt a bit flatter...


And she had more energy in the afternoon when


she usually started dragging.

Her friends started asking what she was doing...


And how she looked so amazing...


They figured she was on some brand new diet...


Or she was doing more workouts at home while the kids


were napping...


After 3 months, she ran into her ex-boyfriend at the


grocery store...


Who couldn’t stop staring at her after trying to make small




Before realizing he dumped her in high school because


she “wasn’t pretty enough”...


And after 6 months...


She looked like a completely different person.


Her stomach was flatter than ever...


She was thinner...


And she looked like she was in her early 20’s...


But more important than that...


She was happier...




The fun loving Nubbia that I fell in love with in the first




Her smile was back...


And you could just see that she was more comfortable in her




It’s not going to do much if you only use it for a day or two...


Which is why so many people are stocking up on 6 jars at a time...


Because after you use it for 30 days in a row...


And start seeing and feeling the life-changing results...


You’re not going to want to wait another month or two to get


another jar shipped in...


It’ll kill all your momentum and progress.


That’s why I always recommend starting with 6 jars...


Because it will last you for the next 6 months...


You won’t have to worry about anything...


Just mix a glass in the morning...


Your results will keep building day after day...


And when that momentum builds...


You don’t want anything slowing it down.


Her metabolism was sky high...


And her body was finally burning fat again...


But those first 30 days went by quick...


And if she had to stop and wait for more to come in...


She would have lost all her momentum...


Her results would start to slip...


And she probably would have fallen back into her old habits...


Making it so much harder to get back on track.


And since it’s so important to keep using MetaboFix month


after month...

If you went out and bought every single plant extract that’s in one jar of MetaboFix...


All 26 unique polyphenols...


9 metabolic fat-burners...


And 3 BILLION of the world’s most powerful digestive enzymes...


It would cost well over $250 to get all of those ingredients separately.


Not to mention the cost of having them shipped to your door...


Which is why my manufacturers wanted me to charge at least that much for every


single jar of MetaboFix.


But I couldn’t...


Because I knew it would leave out so many people who want to improve their health...


But simply can’t afford that big of a price tag.


Which is why...

I took the original $250 price tag and cut it in half...


Then I cut it in half again...


And took another 65% off.


That means you won’t pay the regular price of $250 a




Or even $100 a jar...


Heck, you won’t even pay $75 or $50 for a jar...


Although I think you’d agree that finally losing your


belly fat...


Without any more wasted time, effort or money


would be completely worth that price.


Instead, you can get your first 6 jars of MetaboFix for


just $34 a jar.

So you’ll get a discount on the three and one jar options as well.


The savings aren’t quite as big, but they’re still significant.


And don’t worry...


You will never be billed again unless you place another order.


I hate automatic billing as much as you do.


However, you have to act right now...


Because with my manufacturers breathing down my neck...


I can’t promise the discount will be available past today.

    Save $390 and Choose the 6 Jar Package Below Or                                  Whichever Package Works Best For You



1bottle (1).png









    YOU SAVE $150


   YOU SAVE $360

$99  $69
+ Shipping

 $297  $147
+ Shipping

 $594  $234


Your order will arrive within 5-7 business days.


You’ll also receive an email confirmation from me...


Along with information on how to get in touch with our support team if you ever have


questions or need help with your order.


We’ll be here for you 24/7.

Because we have the most unique blend of polyphenols that’s never been done before...


You can only get MetaboFix right here right now on this page.


So please, don’t fall for the cheap knock offs online or in your local health store...


Those are filled with cheap ingredients and fillers that don’t really do anything.


And you can look at their labels...


I guarantee they don’t have the combination of green mango, aronia berries, mulberry


fruit, cinnamon bark and black pepper extract...


Along with over 3 billion digestive enzymes...


That makes sure your body uses and absorbs every last nutrient that goes into your


body.MetaboFix is the only product in the world that contains these 26 unique polyphenol




In the exact right doses you need...


And the only way you can get it is directly from us, right here on this website.


This way, we can cut out the middleman...


And give you an ever bigger discount so you save more.

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  $ 69 PER


   YOU SAVE $150

   YOU SAVE $360

  $99  $69

 $297  $147

 $594 $234


There’s nothing worse than paying for something that


doesn’t work.


That’s why, if for whatever reason MetaboFix doesn’t


work for you...


Or if you’re unhappy or unsatisfied with your results in


any way...


Simply let me know...


And you’ll be sent a full and prompt refund with no


questions asked.


That way you only pay for it if you get the results you




So go ahead and choose the 6 jar package below...


To keep your metabolism boosted for the next six




Or whichever package works best for you.








1bottle (1).png

 $69 PER                 BOTTLE

   YOU SAVE $150

  $99  $69

$297  $147

$594  $234


 $ 39 PER

 YOU SAVE $360


As a nutrition coach for the past decade...


I’m no stranger to helping people get the weight off fast.


And over the years, whenever someone comes to me struggling...


On the verge of giving up...


I always start them off with this 7-day rapid fat burning protocol.


It works hand in hand with MetaboFix to give you the fastest results possible...


In the shortest amount of time.

And we’re not talking about eating a bunch of boring oatmeal, salads, or dry chicken...


Now you can have blueberry waffles...


Bacon cheeseburgers...


Triple cheese pizza...


And chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.


When you combine this 7-day rapid fat burning plan with the slimming benefits of




You can DOUBLE your results in HALF the time...


Without ever feeling hungry or deprived.


If you want to lose a couple pounds FAST...


Or if you just want a quick jumpstart to help flatten


your stomach...


Simply follow this fast and easy 12 hour protocol...


Which is designed to take up to an inch off your belly...


And the best part is...


You don’t have to skip any meals...


Or go on some crazy juice detox that doesn’t work.


This is the exact 12-hour protocol I only give to my

personal clients...


When they need to lose a lot of weight FAST...


Or if you fall off the wagon...


And have a cheat meal or three...


Simply follow this for the next 12 hours to start flattening your belly before you go to




You know what’s fun?


Eating dessert before bed!


Look, I know I’m a health coach, but...


I’m also human.


Which means I LOVE my sweets and treats...


Giving them up just isn’t an option...


But instead of eating a 1,000 calorie pint of ice cream...


That ruins your waistline...


I came up with 30 brand NEW fat-burning dessert

recipes that you can eat guilt-free...


Right before bed...


And still wake up with a flatter stomach in the morning.


And these aren’t tiny little desserts...


I’m talking big bowls of triple chocolate ice cream...


Giant chocolate chip cookies...


And my personal favorite...


Chocolate lava cake that you can make in less than 2 minutes...


With just 3 ingredients.


Once you have these...


You’ll never go back.


And you can get all three bonuses...


Which normally cost $97...


Absolutely FREE when you place your first MetaboFix order here









1bottle X.png




   $99  $69
+ Shipping

$297  $147
+ Shipping

 $594  $234
+ Shipping



Option #1 is you can take all the information you learned here today...

And try to figure it out yourself.

You can spend weeks researching these

new types of polyphenols...

Searching your local grocery stores for


And then figure out the exact right

amount your body needs on a daily basis...

To start burning fat again.

But let’s be honest...

That’s going to take A LOT of work...

A LOT of time...

A LOT of effort...


And life will probably get in the way like it always does...


So a month from now, you’ll probably be in the same exact spot you’re in now.


That’s not what I want for you.


Option #2 is you can take the easy way out...


Take advantage of all the hard work I’ve

already done...

Because when you get this new

metabolism-boosting blend in your


All you need is just 4 seconds a day to

start seeing results...

And along with all three of the free


It’s virtually impossible to fail.

After just 30 days...

Nubbia was down over 23 pounds...

She was thinner...


Her waist was much smaller...


She had way more energy...


And her belly started flattening out like crazy...


This all happened after having three kids, so...


The same thing can happen for you.

But you have to take the first step...

And order your jars of MetaboFix...

Because if changing your diet and eating

healthier on your own just hasn’t worked

for you...

Then it’s time to try something new.

Let me be the guiding hand to help you

along the way...

We can do this together...

After trying every diet and healthy eating

plan under the sun...


We finally found something that worked for Nubbia...

And after helping tens of thousands of women and men over 45...

can’t wait for you to be our next huge success story.

And remember, you’re always backed by our 60-day 100% money back guarantee...

Which means you have nothing to lose...

And a thin, youthful body to gain.


Matt Stirling
Personal Nutrition Coach
Gold Vida







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   $99  $69

  $297  $147

$594  $234


P.S. I know this has been a lot of new information, so...

Here are the most common questions about MetaboFix.

MetaboFix is a breakthrough metabolism-boosting formula featuring green mango, aronia berries, cinnamon bark,

mulberry fruit, black pepper fruit extract and over 25 other powerful ingredients...

To help stop fat storage and increase fat loss.

Over the years, the one thing I’ve found with everyone struggling to lose weight is...

They weren’t getting nearly enough of these new types of polyphenols...

Especially if you’re doing keto, paleo, fasting, or any other type of low carb diet...

Which is why it’s so easy for your results to stall.

However, when your body starts getting more of these nutrients it desperately needs...

It helps block fat storage...

While increasing fat burn.

Everyone’s body is different...


However, most people tend to see positive results within the first 48 hours.


Whether that’s losing those first few pounds...


Noticing your jeans fitting a bit looser around your waist...


Your face thinning out...


Feeling more energetic and active...


And with anything, the more consistent you are, the better your results will be.

Well, if you still eat fast food for every meal and wash it down with a gallon of soda...


Then I’d recommend trying to clean up your diet first.


However, if you eat reasonably healthy...


Or if you’ve dieted in the past and nothing ever works for you no matter how hard you try...


Or if you think your metabolism is slow because the weight never comes off...


Then MetaboFix is for you.

Most smart people choose the 6 jar option below...


That way you’re covered for the next 6 months and the savings are the highest...


And you don’t have to worry about ordering more when your first batch runs out.


Once you click the button below...


You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page.


Simply enter your information and your shipment will be on it’s way.


It usually takes 5-7 business days for it to arrive at your door...


However, once you place your order...


You’ll receive instant access to all three fat-burning bonuses...


So you can start using those...


While your MetaboFix makes its way to you.


You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information.


That way you can reach out anytime, night or day...


And we’ll be here to help and answer any questions that come up.







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  $99  $69

 $594  $234

 $297  $147


The bare minimum I’d recommend is mixing one big spoonful in a glass of water first thing in the morning.


However, if you think your metabolism is really slow...


Or maybe you just want to get faster results...


You can have another glass in the afternoon...


And after dinner...


Or whenever you feel your energy start to drag...


As an extra fat-burning boost.

If you don’t get the results you want...


Simply let us know...


And you’ll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

We’ve had people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond get amazing, life-changing results...


That’s because as you get older...


Your mitochondria slow down and die off...


Which makes it harder for your body to break down calories and fat.


However, when you get the right mix of nutrients to fix this...


You can start burning fat again, and...


It seems to work better the older you are.

Honestly, my manufacturers have been begging me to remove the discount for weeks...


Because they feel like I’m cheapening the product by giving it away for so little...


However, I know how it changed my life and Nubbia’s...


And I want you to have the same opportunity we did...


Without having to eat pounds of fruits and veggies around the clock.


This way, you can just take one tiny capsule and have it do the hard work for you...


So while I’m going to fight to keep this discount going...


I can’t guarantee it’ll be here past today.


So please, take advantage of these discounted jars while you still can...


Because I would hate for you to come back tomorrow...


And have to pay the regular price of $97 per jar.


Simply choose the 6 jar package below to get the best results and the most savings...


Or whichever package works best for you...


And take the first step to the thinner, healthier you.







1bottle X.png





   $99 $69

  $297 $147

$594 $234

Terms of Use | Disclaimers | Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Gold Vida, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, are under the age of 18 or have, or suspect you may have a medical condition. Consult your physician before using these, or any other, dietary supplements. Keep out of the reach of children or pets.

*See full disclaimer

+For maximum results, combine MetaboFix with a healthy calorie reduced diet and regular exercise to help manage weight and avoid storing body fat.

We’re confident that you’ll love MetaboFix but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened bottle of MetaboFix and return the rest of your unopened MetaboFix bottle(s) within 60 days of purchase for a full refund minus shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Contact our Customer Support team for more information and return instructions at Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


                                                                                             © 2021 Metabo-Fix.Com


Product Name

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